Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Final Paper Questions

Hello Students,
Below you will find the questions for the final exam. You will pick four of them and, for each write a three page response. The purpose of these responses is to prove to me your understanding of the question. These essays are unlike the blogs, you are not expected to give your opinion or respond, rather I want you to clearly answer the question, integrating class readings. Your final paper must be typed, double spaced, stapled, and cited (using any style, just be consistent) to receive credit.

  • Please compare and contrast the strike for Ethnic Studies at San Francisco State University in 1968 with the current battle for/against Ethnic Studies in Arizona.
  • How was the 1968 strike a response to the larger social and political conditions of the time?
  • Please explain the following concepts: race, ethnicity and nationality. How are these social constructs and social realities at the same time?
  • How do the Abdulrahim and Strum readings complicate the definitions of race and ethnicity used by Cornell and Hartmann?
  • Please explain how the examples presented in the Strum and Abdulrahim texts illustrate the following concepts: race as a social construct, race/ethnicity changing over time, racial identification as linked to power and oppression.
  • How does the Census both reflect and create racial categories?
  • Please define Flores' three approaches to understanding the Latino community. Why does he argue it is important to approach it in this way?
  • Why is Latino/Hispanic considered and ethnicity and not a race? What are some of the consequences of this designation?
  • What is the relationship between white privilege and meritocracy? 
  • According to Lipsitz, what are some of the specific ways that White people gained advantages in housing, jobs and living conditions?
  • Why do McIntosh and Lipsitz argue that racial discrimination is an institutional problem, not an individual one?
  • What is Colorblind racism?
  • How are terms like diversity and multiculturalism used to 'gloss over' issues over inequality?
  • What is the relationship between Colorblind racism and diversity?
  • What is the relationship between Colorblind racism and white privilege?
  • According to Bell and Hartmann, what are some of the issues that Americans have when it comes to understanding what diversity is?
  • According to Lorde and Moraga, what are some of the issues that can arise when an intersectional analysis is not used?
  • What is an intersectional analysis, and how do we use it in Ethnic Studies?
  • How does an intersectional analysis help us understand the different ways that people experience domestic violence?
  • How do the objections to the 2012 VAWA re-authorizations relate to the 'mainstream' DV narrative we discussed in class? 
  • How does intersectionality help us understand the disproportionate number of students of color in Special Education classes?
  • Compare and contrast race as a social construct and disability as a social construct.
  • According to Reid and Knight, how is disability used to justify segregation?
  • What connections does Michael (from the Connor piece) make between his race, class and disability?
  • Address and explain the following question, "Do the disabilities we identify actually exist as disabilities, or are they simply a cluster of outcomes resulting from an overwhelming dose of social, economic, and educational disadvantages, and processed through the biased eyes and instruments of dominant culture?" (Fletcher and Navarette, 233)
  • How is the current production of mainstream hip-hop linked to racism during Jim Crow?
  • How is hip-hop simultaneously homophobic and homoerotic?
  • What are ways that race, masculinity and power influence the content of hip-hop?
  • Please explain the social, cultural and political factors that led to the lyrical and content shift in hip-hop. 
  • According to Clay, how do youth use hip-hop as a form of social activism?
  • How does Clay relate organizing around hip-hop to Colorblind Racism (post-civil rights era racism)?
  • How does Shani Jamila relate hip-hop to her growth as an activist and scholar?
  • What is the Prison-Industrial Complex and how does it relate to people of color?
  • What are the connections that Michelle Alexander makes between the Jim Crow Era and incarceration?
  • According to Bohrman and Murakawa, what is the connection between the 'shrinking of government' and the growth of the prison system?
  • What is the connection between immigration and incarceration?
  • How does racism and xenophobia function to increase the prison population?
  • What are some of the alternatives to incarceration?
  • What are the connections between the prison-industrial complex and institutional violence against communities of color?
  • Why does Angela Davis advocate for abolishing prisons?
  • How do some of the alternatives to prison address the problematic issues of the Prison Industrial Complex?
** I may add or change some of the questions about that PIC, as we have not yet covered that material in class. 11/21/2012

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